In order to effectively & sustainably control the stray dog population, to reduce the incidence of dogs bites/ man-dog conflicts and to curb the spread of rabies, Animal Birth Control (dogs) Rules, 2023 have been promulgated under the prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act 1960 in terms of the directions issued by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. Further, under Animal Birth Control Rules, 2023, the Government of India has mandated local bodies to implement effective animal birth control measures.
In compliance of these rules Jammu Municipal Corporation has been conducting the Animal Birth Control programme in all the 75 wards falling under its jurisdiction. The programme is being implemented in accordance with the ABC (Dog) Rules, 2023 at Municipal Animal Care Centre, Roop Nagar as per the guidelines/ advisories issued by the Animal Welfare Board of India from time to time.
The programme includes lifting of stray dogs by trained dog catchers, performing their surgery by trained Veterinary Doctor, their post-operative medication and feeding and then releasing the dogs back to their original location from where they were picked up.
Due to the effective implementation of ABC/ARV programme by Jammu Municipal Corporation, the rate of increase of stray dog populationhas decreased and the dog bite cases have already decreased drastically from 5184 in the year 2021-22 to 2057 in 2022-23 as per the information collected from the Health & Medical Education Department.
JMC is committed to reduce the cases of Human-animal conflict through scientific methods like ABC. Simultaneously taking care that no cruelty is being inflicted upon these voiceless creatures during this ABC process.
Detail of ABC (Sterilizations) done w.e.f Dec. 2014 till date
Sr No. | Detail | Sterilizations done (in Nos.) |
1. | Sterilization done at Animal Care Centre, Roop Nagar w.e.f Dec. 2014 to Dec. 2015 under the direct control and supervision of JMC on trial basis | 576 |
2. | Sterilization done through NGO SAVE (Save Animal Value Environment) w.e.f Jan 2016 to May, 2016. | 318 |
3. | Sterilization conducted after again taken over by JMC w.e.f June, 2016 to 17th July, 2016 (one & half month) | 246 |
4. | March 2017 to 11th June, 2018 (through NGO ‘NSPCA) | 16225 |
5. | w.e.f 01.04.2019 to 22.03.2020 (JMC) | 612 |
6. | w.e.f 27.05.2020 to 31.03.2021 (JMC) | 457 |
8. | w.e.f 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2023 ( through NGO Friendicoes-SECA) | 8292 |
9. | w.e.f 01.04.2023 till date ( through NGO Friendicoes-SECA) | 8988 |

Total Sterilizations done upto 31.08.2024 : 42176
Project incharge of JMC : Dr Gourav Chowdhary, Animal welfare officer (AWO)
Mobile : 9797371677