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Date :3/26/2021
Press Release on 26th March 2021
Launch of 14 online e-services by Hon'ble LG of J&K

Live demonstration of below mentioned 14 online e-services launched yesterday by Hon'ble LG of J&K was given by Commissioner JMC, Ms. Avny lavasa, IAS in the presence of Hon’ble Deputy Mayor, Adv. Purnima Sharma to the media faculty on 26.03.2021 in the conference hall of Jammu Municipal Corporation, Town Hall at 02:00 PM. Sh. Ankush Kapoor, Informatics Officer, JMC has given the live demo of the online applications and describe how to apply online for the applications and also shown samples of digital acknowledgement and certificates to the media for the awareness of the general public

1. Online Issuance of Non Objection Certificate for commercial activities.

2. Application for Issuance of Birth Certificate & inclusion of Child name in the existing

3. Application for Issuance of Death Certificate.

4. Application for correction in the existing birth record.

5. Application for correction in the existing death record.

6. Application for issuance of Non Availability Certificate for a birth record.

7. Application for issuance of Non Availability Certificate for a death record.

8. Online Issuance of permission for installation of Mobile Towers.

9. Application for Grant of License for Milk Dairy.

10. Application for issuance of Street Vending/Rehri License.

11. Application for Registration of Pet Dog.

12. Application for Registration of Pet Clinic/Bird Trade/Pet Trade etc.

13. Application for new sewerage connection.

14. Application for Road Cutting Permission.
The following are the salient features of the e-services :-
1. Service(s) will be fully online
2. Citizens will be submitting applications online
3. All departments will be able to receive application online
4. All departments will be able to verify documents and application fee online
5. All departments will be able to escalate application to some other person, in the case of
absence of dealing authority, online
6. Citizens will be monitoring Application status online
7. Payment will be online.
8. Output certificate will be online in a PDF downloadable form with embedded Digital Signatures of
the issuing authority.

These services help JMC to provide transparent, accountable and efficient local governance through the use of modern technologies especially in management and administration fields. JMC has decided to embrace Information Technology in the form of e-Governance as a tool towards this goal. Better IT systems are required to integrate all the workflows seamlessly for a faster and efficient service to the citizens, employees and administrators